GuideSIGN Plus 2024 Help
Using Sign Creation Features / Converting Signs Created with GuideSIGN 4.2 and Older
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    Converting Signs Created with GuideSIGN 4.2 and Older
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    This feature is not available in GuideSIGN SIGMA.

    MicroStation Version 8 panels created on level 60, 61, and 62 will be automatically moved to the levels specified in the Appendix -> GSLevels.ini file whenever a GuideSIGN tool is used on a sign panel. A hint will be displayed to inform you after the move.

    GuideSIGN 4.3 and higher creates a sign panel and text strings in a new format. To use GuideSIGN 4.3 or higher to modify signs created with older versions of GuideSIGN, you should convert the existing sign panels to the new format.

    To convert the existing signs to the new format by performing a panel update, use Update Existing Panel.

    The newly updated panel will be assigned the panel style 'NONE'. To associate a panel style with the converted sign, click Update Existing Panel again. This time, before clicking Apply to update the panel, click Change to set the desired panel style. If no appropriate panel style exists, one must be created. Once the style has been set, click Apply to update the panel with the new style.

    Exit number panels and route shields in old signs must be deleted before updating the sign panel and later replaced using GuideSIGN 4.3 or higher tools.