GuideSIGN Plus 8.0 Help
Sign Planning Features Example
Appendix > Sign Planning Features Example

The following example illustrates the usage of the sign planning features in GuideSIGN Plus.

Horizontal Clearance

For a reference line (see Reference Line): the perpendicular distance from the reference line to the sign support symbol (see Sign Support Symbol). For optional offset reference geometry (see Offset Reference Geometry): the perpendicular distance from the sign support symbol to the intersection of the perpendicular projection from the reference line to the offset reference geometry.

Leader Line

A line drawn from the sign support symbol (see Sign Support Symbol) to the signs in the sign groups/annotations in the sign plan drawing.

Minimum Sign Support Distance

The minimum distance between two sign assemblies (see Sign Assembly) when placing sign support symbols (see Sign Support Symbol) in the sign plan drawing.

Offset Reference Geometry

Optional simple geometry which is used in addition to the reference line (see Reference Line) to aid in specifying the placement of the sign support symbol (see Sign Support Symbol). An example use of offset reference geometry would be the edge of pavement that may not be parallel to the reference line.

Reference Line

Geometry selected in the sign plan drawing to serve as a base from which to offset the sign support symbols (see Sign Support Symbol) of sign assemblies (see Sign Assembly). When a reference line is created (from lines, arcs, polylines/complex chains), a datum or stationing can be established from which the sign support symbol placement can be measured.

Sign Assembly

Contains one or more sign groups (see Sign Group) and a sign support type.

Sign Facing

The direction a sign is facing. Zero (0) degrees indicates facing oncoming traffic.

Sign Group

Contains one or more signs with the same sign facing (see Sign Facing).

Sign Spacing

The space between two signs when creating a sign assembly (see Sign Assembly). The horizontal and vertical values can be different.

Sign Support Symbol

A graphic representing a sign supportA sign support is the means of supporting a sign. and sign groups (see Sign Group) as seen when creating or editing sign assemblies (see Sign Assembly) or as placed in a sign plan drawing. A sign support symbol consists of circles (sign supports) and lines (sign groups).


A point on a reference line (see Reference Line) whose location is given by its accumulated distance from the endpoint or first station.


The uniformly spaced locations along a reference line (see Reference Line).