GuideSIGN Plus 8.0 Help
Report Options
Tools > Report Manager > Report Options

Allows filters for a report to be specified.

Report Options Dialog Box

Save Report Type Section

Select this check box and specify a name for the report to save a new or rename an existing report type.

New Report Type Name

Specify a name for the report type.

Available Columns

Displays a list of columns that can be added to the report.

Displayed Columns

Displays a list of columns that are displayed in the report.

Button Option Click to...


Add the selected column under Available Columns to the Displayed Columns list.
Remove Move the selected column under Displayed Columns to the Available Columns list.
Move Up Move the selected column under Displayed Columns up one level.
Move Down Move the selected column under Displayed Columns down one level.

Note: The content of the report output depends on the order of the selected columns (e.g. Sign Name + Sign Size + Sign Quantity will report on the total quantity of the unique sizes for the sign names).