Displays the panel style, drawing units, and M.U.T.C.D. Edition of the currently selected panel.
Displays the symbol's default width. To allow the default width to be overridden, select the Manual Sizing check box, click Set next to the Width box, type a new value and then press TAB - the Height will be resized based on the symbol's proportions.
Displays the symbol's default height. To allow the default height to be overridden, select the Manual Sizing check box, click Set next to the Height box, type a new value and then press TAB - the Width will be resized based on the symbol's proportions.
To specify the color of the symbol, select the Manual override check box, and then select the color from the list.
Allows you to manually override the symbol width or height and color. If you select the Manual override check box and click Set next to one of the dimensions, the software will recalculate the other dimension based on the proportions of the symbol.