Allows you to place a short line in a sign that does not extend across the full width or height of the panel.
- The software does not treat short lines the same as dividers. For example, short lines do not create sub-panels in the sign panel, nor do they have margins.
- To create a sign with lines that extend across the full width or height, make sure you specify the desired number of horizontal or vertical dividers when creating a new panel (see Place New Panel) because dividers cannot be added to sign panels after the latter have been placed in the drawing.
Place Short Line Dialog Box
Panel Information Section
Displays the panel style, drawing units, and M.U.T.C.D. Edition of the selected panel.
Short Line Parameters Section
Line Type
Select a Horizontal or Vertical line.
By default, the software uses the same color as that of the border, which is defined by the panel style associated with the selected panel. To override the default panel style color, click the color list, and then select the desired color.
Note: It is not generally desirable to override the color specified in the panel style.
Line Length
Specify the length of the short line.
- To have the line length calculated based on the sign panel's length/width minus a distance from each of the sign panel's linear borders, click Calc, and then, in the box, type the desired distance between the end of the line and the nearest sign panel border.
Note: If Calc is selected, To border will be the only option available under Snap in the Place Object dialog box when the short line is being placed (see Place Object Dialog and Move Object: Snap).
- To set the line length to a particular value, click Fix, and then, in the box, type the desired line length.
Note: If Fix is selected, To border will be the default snap option, and the short line will be snapped to the inside edge of the border to which the cursor is closest when the short line is being placed. Select a different snap option if you do not want the short line to snap to the border.
Line Thickness
Specify the thickness of the line.
- To have the line thickness calculated as a factor multiplied by the sign panel border thickness, click Calc, and then, in the box, type the desired multiplication factor.
- To set the line thickness to a particular value, click Fix, and then, in the box, type the desired line thickness.