The panel style displays in edit mode if it is a user created panel style or in view mode if it was shipped with the software.
Panel Information Section
Displays the name of the current panel style, the units which the software uses to match the drawing's units, and the M.U.T.C.D. Edition.
Margin Sections
Margins are the clearances between the inside edge of the sign border and the objects contained in the sign.
- To have the margins calculated, click Calc, and then type the factor to use in the calculation.
- To set any of the margins to the fixed values, click Fix, and then type the value for the margin.
- Average in the Top Margin section applies to the two largest text heights specified in the top line of text in the sign panel.
- Average in the Bottom Margin section applies to the two largest text heights specified in the bottom line of text in the sign panel.
Margin Reduction Factors Section
Calculated text margins may appear too large when an arrow or route shield is closest to the edge of a sign. These factors allow the margins to be automatically reduced when the nearest object to a panel edge is not text. Both factors are multiplied by the calculated or fixed margin value.
- If a non-text object (except a down arrow) is closest to the corresponding edge of a panel, in the Reduce all margins for symbols to box, type the value for the factor by which you want the software to reduce any margin.
- If a down arrow is the closest object to the bottom of a panel, in the Reduce bottom margin for down arrows to box, type the value for the factor by which you want the software to reduce the bottom margin.
- If no margin reduction is necessary, type '1.0' in both boxes.
Allows you to add a description for the panel style (i.e. suggested use, the reference source, and the sizes and fonts (letter series) for the major text).