AutoTURN Pro 2025 Help
Tools / Run Animation
Run Animation

Runs an animation of the current vehicle on selected path elements or runs an animation of the vehicle used in the selected simulation.

Click the Use Last Path button in the Run Animation dialog box on subsequent uses of the tool in the same drawing session to use the last selected pre-drawn path.



Run Animation Dialog Box

 Record AVI

Click this button to record the animation and export it to an AVI file. See Export Options below.

 Loop Animation

Click this button to have the animation loop repeatedly. Click Stop Animation at any time to abort the looping of the animation.

 Play Animation

Click this button to run the animation from beginning to end or from the last vehicle position after manipulating the vehicle position with the slider.

 Stop Animation

Click this button to stop the animation while it is playing.

Playback Speed

Set how slow or fast the animation plays back, where 1 is the slowest and 20 is the fastest speed. This setting allows you to view animations at a visually appealing rate on all computers and to adjust for varying presentations. While AutoTURN Pro animations can be displayed at varying speeds, this setting is only used for the purpose of visualizing the maneuver. The speed of animation display is in no way related to the speed of an actual vehicle.

 Move Slider Left

Click this button to move the vehicle one step towards the start of the turn simulation.

 Move Slider Right

Click this button to move the vehicle one step towards the end of the turn simulation.

 Move Vehicle in Drawing

Move the slider to the left to move the vehicle towards the start of the simulation or to the right to move the vehicle towards the end of the simulation.

Camera/Target Preset

Note: This functionality is only available in AutoTURN Pro.

Select the desired camera/target preset to define the viewing mode for the selected 3D turn simulation.


Note: This functionality is only available in AutoTURN Pro.

Click this button to specify the coordinates of the point in space that locates the camera when you use the Tracks vehicle front (fixed point) or Tracks vehicle rear (fixed point) camera/target preset.

Note: Configuring the camera location is only available for 3D simulations.

Hide Simulation

Select this checkbox to hide the simulation in the drawing while the animation is playing.

Note: The Run Animation tool does not produce drawing elements in the drawing file. Any animation elements left on the screen after an animation is finished can be cleared from the screen by performing a redraw operation in AutoCAD/BricsCAD/ZWCAD or an update operation in MicroStation.

Export Options Dialog Box

Click this button to record the animation and export it to an AVI file. Type a file name in the Specify AVI Output FIle dialog box, click Save, specify the Frames per Second and Playback Time values in the Export Options dialog box and then click OK. In the Video Compression dialog box, select the desired codec and Compression Quality as applicable.

Frames per Second

Specify the frame rate for the AVI file to be recorded.

Note: Reducing the frame rate will reduce the resulting AVI file's size but will also reduce the smoothness of the playback.

Playback Time

Displays the initial duration of the AVI file to be recorded.

Note: If you modify the Playback Time value, the playback time in the Run Animation tool will be different than in the AVI file.