AutoTURN Pro 2025 Help
Tools / Properties / Vehicles (2D Simulations) Category
In This Topic
    Vehicles (2D Simulations) Category
    In This Topic
    Note: This functionality is only available in AutoTURN and AutoTURN Pro.

    Properties' Vehicles (2D Simulations) Category Dialog Box

    Draw Vehicles On Section

    Set the layer/level that vehicles will be drawn on in the following ways:

    Set Individual Element Layers/Levels

    Click this button to set all individual elements in this category to use the selected layer/level.

    Note: If you selected the Use these settings for all 2D elements checkbox in the General (2D Simulations) Category, this section will be unavailable.

    Vehicle Draw Options Section

    Set which elements to draw and fill where applicable. Click Properties to set individual element layers/levels, colors, line styles, and transparencies where applicable for elements that are selected to be drawn. Select the Realistic checkbox to draw the realistic vehicle drawing whenever the vehicle is drawn (see Customizing AutoTURN Pro -> Creating a Realistic Vehicle Drawing).


    Draw Vehicles At

    Note: Vehicles are always drawn at both ends of the simulation and at the changes of direction.


    Select the color and line style for the cargo.

    Example of a cargo drawn in red

    Bicycle Riders

    Select the color and line style of the extents of the bicycle riders.

    Example of the bicycle riders drawn in yellow

    Reset Properties

    Note: This functionality is only available in AutoTURN and AutoTURN Pro.

    Click this button to reset the properties in all category pages to the currently loaded property set file.

    Save Properties

    Note: This functionality is only available in AutoTURN and AutoTURN Pro.

    Click this button to save the current properties to a file. When you click this button, the Save Properties dialog box displays. In the Name box, type the desired name for the property set file, and then click OK.

    Load Properties

    Note: This functionality is only available in AutoTURN and AutoTURN Pro.

    Click this button to load a previously saved property set file. When you click this button, the Load Properties dialog box displays. Select the desired property set file in the list, and then click OK.

    Extract Properties

    Note: This functionality is only available in AutoTURN and AutoTURN Pro.

    Click this button, and then select an existing turn simulation to replace the current properties with the properties from the selected simulation.

    Note: Selecting a 2D simulation will replace the 2D properties only. Selecting a 3D simulation will replace the 3D properties only.


    Click this button, and then pick an existing turn simulation in the drawing to update the turn simulation to the currently displayed properties . This is useful for making changes to existing turn simulations without having to regenerate or place them again.