AutoTURN Pro 2025 Help
Tools / Inspect Simulation
In This Topic
    Inspect Simulation
    In This Topic
    Note: This functionality is only available in AutoTURN Pro.

    Reports a selected simulation's steering lock angle, input speed, maximum speed, proximity to elements on specific layers/levels, turn wheels from stop condition, and minimum turn radius.

    Inspect Simulation Dialog Box

    Steering Lock Angle

    Select this checkbox to have the steering lock angle reported in the picked simulation.

    The steering lock angle is denoted by circles along the simulation's centerline path. Two colors can be assigned to two steering angle values by clicking Configure Steering Angle:

    Input Speed

    Select this checkbox to have the input speed reported in the picked simulation.

    The input speed (the speed that the simulation was generated with) is denoted by circles along the simulation's centerline path. Three colors can be assigned and two values specified to give three speed ranges by clicking Configure Input Speed Ranges:

    Maximum Speed

    Select this checkbox to have the maximum speed achievable reported in the picked simulation.

    The maximum speed that the vehicle can obtain in the simulation is denoted by perpendicular lines intersecting the simulation's centerline path. Three colors can be assigned and two values specified to give three speed ranges by clicking Configure Maximum Speed Ranges:


    Select this checkbox and then specify the layers/levels that the obstacles are drawn on to report how close they are to the picked simulation.

    The proximity to elements in the drawing is denoted by shading color bands. The three colors can be assigned and two distance values specified to give three color bands of decreasing proximity by clicking Configure Proximity Settings:

    Set the transparency level of the shaded bands as desired.

    Turn Wheels From Stop

    Select this checkbox to have the turn wheels from stop (TWFS) conditions reported in the picked simulation.

    A rotated tire inside a circle drawn with the specified color (orange by default) will indicate where sections in the picked simulation started with the Turn Wheels From Stop setting.

    Minimum Turn Radius

    Select this checkbox to have the minimum turn radius condition reported in the picked simulation.

    Rmin inside a circle drawn with the specified color (red by default) will indicate where sections in the picked simulation begin a minimum radius turn.


    Select this checkbox to have the legend placed in the drawing.

    Remove previous report(s) from simulation

    Select this checkbox to remove the previous reports from the picked simulation.