AutoTURN Pro 2025 Help
Tools / Generate Report / Speed Profile Report
In This Topic
    Speed Profile Report
    In This Topic
    Note: This functionality is only available in AutoTURN and AutoTURN Pro.

    View a graphical representation of the vehicle's speed over the length of the picked 2D turn simulation.

    The speed values indicated in the speed profile report are the maximum speeds achievable at any given point of time, as opposed to the speed value specified in the SmartPath Tools (see SmartPath Tools and Forward Maneuvers) which only affects the minimum turning radius, and which is used in the turning report. The vehicle's maximum speed as a function of superelevation, lateral friction, acceleration/deceleration, and the radius of the curvature in the vehicle trajectory is calculated using the following AASHTO formula:

    Metric Units

    Imperial Units

    V = speed (km/h)

    R = radius (m)

    f = friction (e.g. 0.03)

    e = superelevation (m/m, e.g. 0.02 = 2/100)

    V = speed (mph)

    R = radius (ft)

    f = friction (e.g. 0.03)

    e = superelevation (ft/ft, e.g. 0.02 = 2/100)

    Note: Speeds are not reported for reverse sections in simulations.

    Speed Profile Report Dialog Box

    Draw Report On Section

    Set the layer/level that the report will be drawn on in the following ways:

    Reporting Options Section


    Displays the vehicle's maximum speed. If the Vmax value is changed, the Vmax Start, Vmax End, Vstart, and/or Vend values will change accordingly.

    Vmax Start

    Displays the speed at the start of the simulation. The speed calculations are evaluated from the start to the end. If the Vmax Start value is changed, the Vstart value will change accordingly.

    Vmax End

    Displays the speed at the end of the simulation. The speed calculations are evaluated from the end to the start. If the Vmax End value is changed, the Vend value will change accordingly.

    Vstart, Vend

    Displays the vehicle's starting speed and ending speed respectively.

    Note: If you modify the vehicle's maximum speed and/or the speed at the start or the end of the simulation, the Vstart value and/or Vend value will change accordingly.


    Displays the acceleration value used to calculate the speed of the vehicle.


    Displays the deceleration value used to calculate the speed of the vehicle.


    Displays the superelevation value used to calculate the speed of the vehicle.

    Lateral Friction

    Displays the lateral friction factor value used to calculate the speed of the vehicle. By default, AutoTURN Pro applies the lateral friction based on the AASHTO (2004) values.

    Show Formatting Options

    Select this checkbox to change how the report is formatted.

    Horizontal Scale and Vertical Scale

    These options allow the report to be stretched out or shortened horizontally and/or vertically when the report is placed in the drawing (e.g. in order to accommodate report labels).

    Speed Profile

    Select this option to draw and set the color and line style of the line representing the speed profile.

    Outer Box

    Sets the color for the outermost line of the report.

    Text Labels

    Sets the color for the text labels that appear below the report when placed in the drawing.


    Select this option to draw and set the color and line style of the lines representing the transition between tangents/arcs and spirals.

    Grid Lines

    Select this option to draw and set the color, line style, and spacing interval of the horizontal grid lines.

    Plan Speed Markers

    Select this option to draw and set the color, line style, and spacing interval of the plan speed markers. In addition, speed indicators are drawn in the simulation as perpendicular lines the width of the vehicle at 1.64 ft or 0.5 m spacing intervals where red is used to indicate decreasing speeds and green to indicate increasing speeds. No speed indicators are drawn when the speed is constant or in reverse sections.

    Place Report

    Click this button to place the speed profile graph into the drawing and draw the speed markers and speed indicators in the turn simulation.


    Click this button to export the report to a text file and then view it in your default text editor (e.g. Microsoft® Notepad).